Tag: Freelancer


A Warrior without a King

A professional is always making a statement about her and about her craft.

What is your point of view?

What do you stand for?

If your work is your, will I be able to tell you made it?

Does it look like you?


A Warrior without a King

Looking at the list of Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients and one quickly realizes this.

These are not only professionals in their respective fields. Their best work is also powerful, some even with a broad reach to the national or humanity as the whole.

A professional’s craft also works much better when it is near the edge or being the sharp needle.

People consider those characteristics as the one that matters.

A pro’s potent craft is what we remember.

Potent is also what the professionals are capable of because the leverage can belong to the pros.


A Warrior without a King

Professional works and delivery her craft that is not only consistent but also in a persistent way.

She persists by showing up and staying around.

She ships her craft and continues to improve it.

She persists in believing in what she does and overcoming the dips.

A professional is the one who is not going to leave town, and being the one her customers can count on.


A Warrior without a King

People do things primarily for an emotional reason; secondary comes logic.

A professional knows that, for her work to matter enough, she needs to create a movement of change that would resonate with the people she seeks to connect.

She knows she needs to create a movement so a tribe can gather and rally around it.

She knows that, once the tribe starts coming together, someone (or she) needs to lead it.

She leads the tribe by being the impresario, someone who promote and manage the movement.

By being the impresario, she and her tribe members find more people who resonate to join the tribe and the movement.

Figure out how to find your competitors and your colleagues and turn your work into an ever, more professional movement?


A Warrior without a King

A professional knows people buy things mostly based on emotional reasons.

Even a mundane purchase like buy eggs, the buying choices seems to be infinite.

Do you want eggs from chickens that were fed organic?

How about chickens not caged and free-range?

How about chickens with no added hormones and antibiotic-free?

How about chickens that are humanely-raised?

Infinite choices mean whatever the pro produces, it must resonate with the buyers in some significant ways.

Everyone who is going to buy from you is only going to buy from you for a moment.

How can the professional create that moment?